Why is the Music Studio Of Learning? | 2014-11-17 (21:41)
The Music Studio Of Learning Of Sweden AB (MSOL-AB) is called that name because, apart from recording, mixing and mastering musics and movies also provides education on; (1) Marketing to have the international knowledge of how to find customers around the world and (2) Judicial education on musics and movies, to have the wide knowledge on copyrights and how to write contracts internationally. These education is suitable to all artists, producers and managers and is not combined when you come for recording. You have to be not less than 3 persons to make a class.
MSOL-AB is recording , mixing, mastering and promoting music / film and then distributes to thousands of radio and tv stations around the world and also to the news papers/magazines world wide and to the internet. MSOL-AB protects the works of artists against piracy of their work using the special code numbers. MSOL-AB also prepares concerts for artists within Sweden and out side of Sweden. MSOL-AB will be arranging the collaborations between Tanzania artists and various artists of Sweden and internationally. Proclaiming Tanzania to build closer ties between the people of Tanzania and Sweden through music and film.
Peters Mhoja/CEO/MSOL-AB
MSOL-AB will open the Swahili language class in Sweden for Swedes and all others who would like to learn Swahili. Students of Swahili class will get free tickets from MSOL-AB for the entry to the exhibitions / concerts of which will be staged by Tanzanian artists in Sweden. The Swahili Class of MSOL-AB will have also the opportunity to talk face to face with the biggest artists from Tanzania who they have seen only through the videos / film. MSOL-AB is "The light of artists in their long walk for success".